🔎 Information PvP for new players (player vs player)


This basic guide is for totally new players to Perfect World, or players totally new to PvP.

One of the most common problems for new and old players alike, who don't pvp, is they don't feel comfortable fighting other players. Just being in that situation can get the adrenaline pumping, which a lot of people find uncomfortable and therefore try to avoid it like the plague. There are a few other reasons too, that players avoid participating in fights against other players. I will try to give a few hints and tips to hopefully waylay some of your fears about this aspect of the game, so you can enjoy this great game to it's fullest.

1. Fear :monkeys:
As I have already mentioned, fear is probably the number one reason for a huge amount of players not joining in when it comes to PvP elements of the game. I experienced it myself many years ago. When we find ourselves being attacked by another player, suddenly our heart rate increases, our adrenaline surges through our bodies and we can even start physically shaking so much so, that we have trouble hitting the right keys on our keyboards.
It's very strange isn't it, that we can fight mobs with ease and then the mere fact that it becomes someone else on the other end of the "mob" (toon), we suddenly fall to pieces! Just pixels right! Something kicks in our minds and we flounder.
So, how do we get over this sometimes very debilitating affliction? Some people use the old "Dutch courage" :monkeysad:(a few drinks), but I would not recommend that avenue. It slows down your reactions and is not good for your health. The best method, tried and tested by many, is exposure.
Simple put, you just have to go out there and fight, fight, fight. It does not matter if you win or lose. In fact, it is better if you lose a huge amount, because then you become used to it and it will not worry you so much. A PvP fight is not a test of your worthiness of being a human being (however much toxic players may try to convince you that it is), it is simply, your ability to manipulate some pixels, better or worse than someone else.
2. Gear :monkeycool:
Most pro PvP'ers have interchangable armours, weps and genies, depending on the situation and the opposition. A common PvE build would just not cut it in a situation with another pro PvP'er who has maxed his gear as much as possible and has a varity of armours, genies to suit any situation. Granted, this is rare, but it is worth noting if you want to progress to the top ranks as it were.
Generally speaking, you want max magic defence against casters, and max physical defence against physical attackers, common sense right! So have that type of gear available to swap out when needed.
Also, a PvP genie should have different skills to a PvE genie. A good idea is to have a few genies for different types of situations.
Obviously, the more refines and better gear you have will increase your chances of survival. There are others things that help too, like ring engraving, title bonuses, buffs, charms and pots. Also your character level. Many underestimate the difference even 1 level can make to the damage you give or recieve depending if you are above or below the toon you are fighting.
3. Skills
When it comes to skills in a PvP situation, it is a whole new ball game compared to fighting mobs. You may have got comfortable using that neat macro you designed to kill mobs in the most efficient way, but when that "mob" is another person with their own ideas, skills, abilities, armours and weps, you have to completely change your play style. Most of the new abilities you need for fighting in a PvP situation can ONLY come from experience, another reason to get out there and fight, fight, fight... ( remember... it's only pixels, not a test of your soul) The more you practice the better you get. Also, the more you practice against better fighters, the faster you get better. If the oppotunity arises to fight the best of the best, TAKE IT! You can learn faster from a pro than anyone else. If they are a real pro, they will be more than happy to offer you some suggestions on how to get better.
As to the actual skills you use, obviously it will depend on the class you are fighting. However, when it comes to PvP fighting there are a number of skill "glitches" that can be utilised depending on your class. A skill glitch is when you perform a skill, but interupt it at the last moment before it consumes the required chi nessesary for it, usually by pressing esc or by swaping weapons. Glitching skills is not illegal on this server so feel free to use them. In fact, in the server discription, it says it has included the glitches that were common for this version of the game it has replicated.

4. Help
One on one fighting is one thing, but mass pk is something else entirely. Or even, just 2 or 3 vs 2 or 3. But having another player help you out in PvP is always good if you are up against more than one opposition. It will also have an effect on the tactics you use for victory. Various skills can be used to increase the effectivness of your skills or that of your helper. You can increase the damage or defences depending on who is helping you.

I hope this small, basic guide, incourages all you players who are uncertain or wary of joining in PvP fighting on the server. It is a big aspect of the game and can be very exicting once you get used to it.
All the best xD


I think that every player comes with a goal to relax already and let's not forget yes there are toxic players who can harm the gameplay of other less experienced players myself not long ago it happened to me and it can turn into an obsession for the person who pvp to the point of following the person everywhere lol other by not forgetting the people who have health problems like a health disorder nervousness, diabetes etc.... It has to remain an entertainment for all people PWI is above all a PVE game for PVP there are events and it seems to me not bad for people who like PVP :)