Our upcoming server will have a lot of new features that we are going to introduce to you

And here is one of them - the Cashback System!
Any faction leader can activate the Cashback System, both coming to us from other private servers and already formed on our server.
By joining this system, guild leaders will receive up to 10% of their guild's donations to their account and will be able to spend gold to help members of their faction or otherwise.
In order for the donations of the faction members to be counted for cashback, the faction leader must apply for the activation of this system.

Create a ticket in our Discord server and tell us about your faction
- Faction name -
- Leader nickname -
- Guild size -
- Link to join your voice communication server (required to check activity) -

- The minimum required number of faction members is 20 players;
- All faction members must comply with the TOS;
- The faction must be active on the server: members must take part in server events, compete on world bosses, etc.;
- The application must be submitted in the support channel of our Discord server, by creating a ticket;
- The terms and conditions may be changed by the staff if they deem it necessary.
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