⚙️ Patch Version 16-18


⚙️ VERSION 16-18
1. Fixed Auction House.
2. Added The Faction Base. (Test difficulty of bosses and monsters)
- You will not be able to enter this location more than 2 character.
- Maximum Lv. of the Faction Base - 50.
- Daily Quest at the Faction Base - Lv. required 50+
- Rates: Faction Contrib. - x3, Faction Exp Contrib - x3, Materials - x3.
- Required exp for the leveling - x3 less.
- Now you can exchange Guild Material Ticket on any materials what u need without class required.
- Currently names of materials: Steel, Sand, Stone, Water and Wood.
- Any upgrades in Faction Base now it lasts 10 minutes.
- The cost of upgrades is also reduced by x3.
- All Bosses & monsters were weakened and have Lv.120.

- Faction Trials required: Lv.90, 10.000 rep. and 5.000 merits.
- Reworked reward for the Fortifications:
- Copper - Rep. 200, Perfect Coin x5.
- Silver - Rep. 350, Perfect Coin x7.
- Gold - Rep. 500, Perfect Coin x10.

3. Fixed some quests.
4. Added the additional protected zone around the Archosaur, Nothern Outskirts for the Invasion.
5. Changed 109s Cultivation quests: - Maid Ling added to Momaganon and Lothranis.
- Required Bosses was added to Momaganon and Lothranis. (have a 1 minute respawn, don`t have any drop)
We also want to add the original 109s dungeons in the upcoming updates.
6. Increased chances of drop rate to materials from monsters.
7. Fixed some smileys.