đź“š Daily Cube of Fate Guide


To start Cube you have to have:
1. Duty Badge earned from the Khatru Pup (big wolf NPC). This item can be traded for Cube dice.
2. Dice tickets. Can be exchanged with mirages in Cube of Fate NPC.

You can do 50 or 60 rooms.
- After finishing 50 rooms you will be rewarded with the Page of Fate, experience and some items.
- If you choose to pass 60 rooms, you will get Rotating Cog of Fate needed for a skill book and some other items.

green color - easy room
yellow color - mid difficulty
red color - difficult room

Room 1 - Fate Beginning

In the middle of the room, there is a NPC you can talk to trade one duty badge for a puzzle cube. Players often set up cat shops here selling various cube items, such as mirages, bully and robber cards. Next to the middle NPC is a forge, where you can trade one mirage for two dice tickets. You can talk to the middle NPC again, and you will be given a die in your inventory, which you can use to move on in the cube,


Room 2 - Chest of Mystery

In this room there is a field of chest in the middle of the room. The NPC will ask you to open 5 chest. After opening 5 chests, you will be awarded a die.

Room 3 - Slaughterhouse

There is a herd of monsters in the middle of the room. The NPC will ask you to kill 5, level 95 monsters. After killing them, you're given a die. There is no time limit.

Room 4 - Mice Bashing

Mobs are "?" level, but don't be afraid to hit them, they die in one hit! Kill 10 of these, get a die.

Room 5 - Count the Apples

Grab the quest, you will be ask to count one color of balls in your quest log. Run to the corner, BUT NOT ALL THE WAY, you will miss some balls if you stand directly in the corner. So walk far enough so that you can see the balls in the opposite corner. Once you're position, hit Alt+H and zoom out as much as you can, then count the color balls. Be patient, and keep counting until you're confident in your answer. This room usually has 7-11 of each color balls.
You can sometimes tell the answer from the available choices using the following table.

white 11, 10, 9 - answer: 11
white 10, 8, 9 - answer: 8 or 9
blue 9, 10, 8 - answer: 8
blue 9, 10, 11 answer: 9 or 11
red 7, 8, 9 random

Room 6 - Open Sesame

There's a boss in the middle of the room that you need to kill. He has a ton of HP but weak attack. He does an AOE that does 50-100 damage every other second, but that's the only spell he casts. Once the boss dies, you have 20 seconds to talk to the NPC to get your die.

Room 7 - Have a Listen

Talk to the butterfly, and then run pass the two mobs on the left side of the wall. All other mobs will kill in 1 shot if you approach them. Then go over to the NPC on the right corner to get your die. This room never changes.
Diagram of the Room

Room 8 - Try your Luck

Pay the NPC 1 dice ticket and 100K, open 10 Chest then get a die and a golden box. Golden box can either give you either a sadness card (90%) or ecstasy card (10%).
Sadness card sell for 1 coin
Ecstasy card sells for 1 million.

Room 9 - 100 Second Stand

Go into a room and survive for 100 seconds then get a die.
There are 4 roaming mobs and 1 center mob. 4 roaming mobs must aggroe you to damage you, center mob automatic does constant damage.

Room 10 - Bombs Away!

You have 10 minutes to reach room 17 to defuse the bomb.
Just pray you don't get room 14.

Room 11 - Bored...

Talk to the middle NPC and then wait 3 minutes to get your die.

Room 12 - Choice of Fate

Talk to the NPC, and receive a random charm looking thing, and move either 4 rooms forward or 1 backwards.

Room 13 - Squad of Six

Good Luck finding 5 other people, I would just pay the 3 tickets to pass to get your die.

Room 14 - I don't wanna leave

PK room. There are mobs in the corner that debuff your HP by 90% but don't attack and there is a ball in the center that does AoE physical damage if anyone approaches it.
You have to wait for the NPC to spawn in the second corner (it spawns each 10 minutes) or to talk to the Do-all Merchant and pay 5 all-do cards to get your dice.

Room 15 - Mystical Messenger

Kill 1-5 mobs in 1 minute. For each mob you kill you get 1 Epic Coin. (You're only allowed to do this once a day. No worries; there's 3 other rooms exactly like this one.)
If you go over 1 minute before talking to the NPC again, you're not awarded any mysterious chips and get teleported back to room 1.

Room 16 - Fight the Demon

Option 1.
Kill level 150 mob with 160k HP.

Option 2.
Pay 3 dice tickets to move on.

Room 17 - Ecstasy or Sadness

Same as room 8
Pay 100K and one dice ticket. Then open 10 chests and get a golden box.
Golden boxes may contain an Ecstasy or Sadness Card.

Room 18 - Not enough Yet

Upon entering the room, you're given 9 Robber cards, but you need 10 to Pass. If you don't have 10, just teleport out and start over or wait for someone else to enter and try to trade for one of their cards. If you do have 10, you can trade them in and get a die.
To make Robber Card from Do-All cards, just talk to the NPC there and pick "Exchange option". It costs just one to make it.

Room 19 - Happy Hold Up

Talk to the npc and he gives you 5 free dice tickets and a die!

Room 20 - Another choice of Fate

Much like room 12
Either move 5 forward or 2 backwards.

Room 21 - Beast Hunter

You have 2 minutes to kill 2 mobs level 95. These mobs will life tap you, so the faster you can kill them the easier it is. You'll get your die the second you kill the 2nd mob, if you do not kill them within 2 minutes, you will be teleported out.

Room 22 - Mystical Messenger

Much like room 15.
Kill 1-5 mobs in 1 minute. For each mob you kill you get 1 Epic Coin. (You're only allowed to do this once a day. No worries; there 3 other rooms exactly like this one.)
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 23 - Real or Fake

1. Talk to the NPC to teleport you to another room.
2. Talk to the NPC in that room to start challenge.
3. Kill one of the ugly monsters in the middle. All mobs look the same, but some are easier to kill than others.

Room 24 - Consequence

Depending on whatever the last person who did this task chooses, you must open either 5..., 20... or 40... chests. When you're done, you can set the number of chests the next person who lands in the room has to open. Be nice and just set it to 5.

Room 25 - Dragon Gate

Pretty much talk to the dead guy to start the challenge. Then go to the opposite corner of the room while dodging the exploding circles of doom. Talk to the NPC and get a die.

Room 26 - Death Judge

1. Talk to the NPC to start the challenge.
2. Attack the middle mob with a ranged attack; he's super slow.
3. Run to the corner.
4. Wait for him to get somewhat close.
5. Run around him (Holy Path works great for this) and then to the middle.
6. Usually, you can open up to 3 chests before he can kill you.
7. Rinse and repeat steps 1-5, until you have looted 5 chests.
8. Get a die and get out!

Room 27 - Try and Listen EX

If you don't see the NPC there - relog and it should be fine.
So this room changes unlike room 7. It can generate up to three different pathways.
1. Talk to the butterfly.
2. Turn up volume to max.
3. Tap your walk button.
4. If you hear fire, then that means it can kill you.
5. If no noise, it is harmless. Just pass two rows, and you're free...




Room 28 - Count the Apples EX

Much like Room 5 (Look up strategy at room 5).
The only difference is that there is more balls of each color, usually 11-17. Just Pan 180 degrees and then look behind you to see if there any balls. Once you think you have the right number submit your answer.
You can almost always know the correct answer by looking at the choices the teleport master gives you using the following cheat sheet.
Sheet Choices Answer
white 10 , 9 , 11 11
white 10 , 8 , 9 10
white 10 , 8 , 11 10
blue 9 , 14 , 12 12
blue 11 , 10 , 12 12
blue 13 , 14 , 15 14
red 14 , 13 , 12 12
red 13 , 14 , 15 14
red 12 , 11 , 10 either 11 or 12

Room 29 - Slaughterhouse EX

Same as room 3. Kill 5 mobs within your level range. They life drain in this room, however, there is no time limit.

Room 30 - 100 Second Stand EX
Use the same strategies as room 9. The only difference is the middle mob does more damage(about 500), and there are more roaming monsters.

Room 31 - Mystical Messenger

Much like room 15 and 22.
Kill 1-5 mobs in 1 minute. For each mob you kill, you get 1 Epic Coin. (You're only allowed to do this once a day. No worries; there are 3 other rooms exactly like this one.)

Room 32 - Very Bored..

Same as room 11, but you have to wait 5 minutes. Use the same strategies as room 11 to be safe.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 33 - Monster Trapper

Kill 2 mobs in 2 minutes; they life drain.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 34 - Steadfast

PK room, much like room 14, only the kitty looking thing at the beginning heals you for more and the ball in the middle does more damage. Wait for the NPC to spawn in the opposite corner (he spawns each 10 minutes), or pay 5 do-all cards for a die. If you're killed you must start the cube over.

Room 35 - Life Diverged... Again

Get a token that either moves you 6 rooms forward or 3 backwards.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 36 - Crazy Chest

Like room 2; open 10 chests and get a die.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 37 - Great Luck

Pay 200k coins for a sundries pack and a die.
Sundries packs can contain 1-3 mirages, 5-10 dice tickets, 2 do all cards, 1 ecstasy card, or 1 excitement card.

Room 38 - Dragon Gate - EX

Pretty much talk to the dead guy to start the challenge. Then go to the opposite corner of the room while dodging the exploding circles of doom. Talk to the NPC and get a die.

Room 39 - Consequence II

Much like room 24. Dig 5, 20, or 40 chests.

Room 40 - Sadness or Ecstasy

Pay 100k and open 10 chests. Get a platinum box and a die.
Platinum boxes are much like golden boxes, but you have a chance to win 5 million instead.

Room 41 - Squad of three

Option 1
Either wait for 2 other people to come and join your group, however if there is already someone there, might as well wait.
Option 2
Pay 10 dice tickets. Recommended.

Room 42 - Mysterious messenger

Much like room 15, 22, 31
Kill 1-5 mobs in 1 minute. For each mob you kill you get 1 Epic Coin. (You're only allowed to do this once a day. No worries; there 3 other rooms exactly like this one.)

Room 43 - Take down the demon

Option 1.
Kill the monster.
Option 2.
Pay 10 dice tickets.

Room 44 - Bomber Mania

A time bomb is attached to you and you get a die. You must reach room 50 in 10 minutes or less. Talk to the NPC in room 50 to diffuse the bomb.

Room 45 - Open sesame...Please?

Much like room room 6. Kill the mob to pass or wait for someone to join you.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 46 - Still Not Enough

You're given 9 bully cards upon entering, you need 10 to pass. If you bought that Bully Card listed under what you need above, then you can freely pass. However if you did not, you can teleport out and start over, wait for someone and hope they sell you a card, or buy one from a catshop if there is one setup.
If you have at least 2 Do-All cards, you can exchange them for a Bully Card by choosing option "Exchange".

Room 47 - Last Stand
Like room 9 and 30, however the middle mob does much more damage and there are a lot more roaming mobs. You can also pay 8 do-all cards to pass.

TIP: When you enter this room, run to the corner and kill the mobs that follow you. The middle mob is doing damage based on your HP so if you are having troubles passing this room it would be wise to remove your equipment and use your healing skills and pots.

Room 48 - Chest Unlocker Hardcore

Open 15 chests and get a die.
This is a PK enabled room.

Room 49 - Prize Raid

Once you start the challenge, you're given 2 minutes to kill as many mobs as you can (a maximum of 20 mobs). For each mob you kill, you get 5k exp. If you go over 2 minutes before talking to the NPC again, you have to start the cube over and no exp will be rewarded to you. So don't be too greedy.

Room 50 - Fates END

Talk to the center NPC and YOU WIN! You get your exp, spirit and a skill book!
Or you can continue Cube and earn Rotating Cog of Fate if you pass through. Remember, that by choosing second option, you won't get the Page of Fate!