📚 Dungeon Crisis Resolved: Seat of Torment Guide

Introduction & Rewards

Crisis Resolved: Seat of Torment is a Weekly Quest you can take at the Celestial Messenger on the Archosaur Platform. Each run rewards you with one Crushed Emblem, which can be exchanged for the following:

1 Emblem
• 100 Mirage Celestone
• 10 Chienkun Stone
• 10 Tisha Stone
• 10 Tienkang Stone
• 5 Golden Egg
• 5 Perfect Treasure
• 3 Uncanny Ore
• 2 5 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 6 Star Dragon Orb

2 Emblems
• 1 7 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 Sapphire Gem
• 1 Citrine Gem
• 1 Garnet Gem

4 Emblems
• 1 8 Star Dragon Orb

8 Emblems
• 1 9 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 Supreme Robe: Disparity

12 Emblems
*also requires 1,000 Mysterious Chips
• 1 Seat of Torment Trial *Ring
• 1 Abaddon Trial *Ring

16 Emblems
• 1 Dragon Orb Ocean (10 Star)

Talk to the Celestial Messenger and take the bottom Gold Quest for SoT, then talk to him again and take the top Green Quest to teleport in.

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Moving Through Seat of Torment

Moving through this dungeon is a lot simpler than it appears to be. When you first enter, there will be a Gate Blocking the Path forward. You'll talk to the NPC Autumn Song's Soul in order to travel between three locations: Hell Trap, Bloody Courtyard and Nightmare Gate (I recommend doing them in this order, as the items from the Queen of Agony can be used in the fight against Hellfire Abomination).

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Teleporting & Fighting Bosses

Navigating Hell Trap

• Travel to Hell Trap
• Along the majority of Hell Trap are colored orbs that slowly travel down each path which players can avoid. These orbs do certain effects to the player if the player is too close to them.
  • Red: Deals a set amount of damage to the player.
  • White: Stuns the player for a short time.
  • Purple: Teleports the player to the entrance of the dungeon.
  • Yellow: Slows the player and debuffs them with a poison DoT.

• The orbs are spawned from various mechanical objects which can be destroyed easily from range. Once the mechanical objects have been destroyed, the colored orbs in that particular area will stop spawning. They do not need to be destroyed but doing so will make it easier for players to travel through Hell Trap.

• Between the paths are various monsters which players can easily AoE. Among these groups will typically be Infernal Captains, which have extra health and deal melee physical damage at a rate of roughly 1 attack per second.

Trap Master Fierce

• Boss is static, meaning he can't be pulled from his position.
• Summons blue balls (not BB) that move around in clockwise direction. The balls basically put the Boss in the center of the rotation. When you get hit by the balls, you will get stunned (stun can be avoided by using vacuity powder/any anti stun skill).
• Boss uses a long range physical attack as long as you are inside the balls rotation. This physical attack hits for 9k damage (not under BB). BB is needed for this Boss if your Melee fighters are under 9k HP. A strong Cleric with high HP is more preferable to BB (10k+ HP buffed Cleric). BB can be interrupted by stuns from white balls, so be ready to bring it back up.
• Boss summons more colored balls. The balls damage/debuff corresponding to the ball colors throughout Hell Trap (white ball stuns, red ball does damage).
• Boss needs to be killed fast or colored balls will be all over the field.
• It is pointless to kill the balls since they keep respawning. Just focus on killing the Boss.
• If the squad is wiped, it is hard to fight him back since the colored balls do not reset (blue, white, red) with the Boss. Therefore, you have to deal with blue ball stuns when you come back to rebuff.
• One method that works well is having your Melee fighters as close to the Boss as possible (with a 10k+ HP Cleric if possible) while all your Ranged and Magic fighters stand as far away from the boss as possible near the broken pavilion. The Boss AoE and balls do not reach this point and so it is safe to hit from here.

From there, talk to the Autumn Song's Spirit and go to the Bloody Courtyard.

Navigating Bloody Courtyard

• Avoid the walking dogs at all costs. Do not get close to the dog since they auto aggro. They move very slow, until you aggro them, then they are speed demons. Crystals and Flowers are only available on the dog's walking paths.

• Throughout this area, there are a lot of Requiem Crystals and Wildrose Flowers. Each squad member needs to dig the Crystals and Flowers (or have someone tanky/a non-healer class to have all the Crystals and Flowers, not the Cleric).
• Crystals and Flowers drop when you die. It is best if the Crystal holder is tanky so they can keep quick spamming Crystals on squad members.
• You cannot use Crystals when you are doing a continuous channeling skill (Cleric's Regeneration Aura, Wizard's Dragon Breath, Archer's Barrage of Arrows). Therefore, the Cleric should never own the Crystal since they cannot use it when in BB. Try to assign the Crystal/Flower holders to a tanky BM or Veno.
• Important Note: Crystals can be used for other areas (other Bosses). It's important to use the Crystals on Hellfire Abomination. You can farm as many Crystals as you want (Crystals keep respawning even after Queen is killed). Just don't leave the dungeon (you will lose all Crystals when you go out and dying will drop Crystals on the ground). Spamming Crystals on Hellfire makes him bearable for those with under 6k HP (precise timing is needed to spam the crystals, so someone that lags a lot is advisable not to own the Crystals).

Queen of Agony, Xipher

• Boss summons wild dogs that are unkillable without the Flowers. Use the digging Flowers on the dog (simply right click on the Flower when tabbing on the dog) to remove the invoke buff on the dogs so the dogs are killable.
• Use Requiem Crystal when Queen about to launch her powerful attack. It will say to use Crystal (in yellow text) in the middle of the screen. You need to select on any squad member besides yourself, then right click the Crystal. The buff will last for 10 seconds and is applied to the whole squad. Her powerful attack is similar to Slasher Boss in FC (Runewolf Boss), meaning she will scream about 3-5 times before resuming normal attack (a timed triple spark/sutra/AD/IG would block her attack as well). Use IG if BB is down.
• Cleric's Regeneration Aura can be interrupted by this boss. Just bring it back up whenever possible.

From there, talk to the Autumn Song's Spirit and go to Nightmare Gate.

Navigating Nightmare Gate

• There are 3 Towers located in Nightmare Gate that need to be destroyed before you face Hellfire Abomination.
• Tower of Molten Flame is immune to Metal and Fire (physical DDs may kill this tower). Located on the east side of the map
• Tower of Reinforced Ice is immune to Water and Earth (physical DDs, Cleric and Venomancer may kill this tower). Located on the middle side of the map.
• Tower of Thorned Brambles is immune to Physical Damage and Wood (Wizard, Archer and Cleric may kill this tower). Located on the west side of the map.
• The point of killing these towers is so that Hellfire Abomination can be damaged by those elements. Failure to kill any of the towers would result Hellfire being immune to those elements.

Final Boss

Hellfire Abomination

• This Boss hits ~4k metal damage AoEs (on a caster with metal a mdef= 17k)
• He summons minions that have lots of HP and are basically unkillable. Minions deal physical damage (~9k damage on a caster with 6k pdefense, no BB). Make sure that Barbarian uses Roar (or any AoE skills), or a BM uses any AoE skill to regain control of the Minions. Minions are most likely to attack the Cleric in BB when they spawn since BB will draw instant aggro, and the safety of the Cleric is needed to ensure no squad wipe.
• Will summon an Energy Star that creates a trap when it is killed. Someone strong that isn't a Barbarian or the tank for boss (Venomancer or Blademaster) needs to lure the unkillable Minions to the trap.
-Hellfire will have a debuff coming from the Energy Star that makes him take more damage overtime (the debuff is the same debuff as Turret's debuff in Territory Wars). This debuff really helps to kill him faster.

After defeating Hellfire Abomination, you're finished! Teleport out and talk to the Celestial Messenger NPC on the Archosaur Platform for your prize!
