📚 Dungeon Crisis Resolved: Abaddon Guide

Introduction & Rewards

Crisis Resolved: Abaddon is a Weekly Quest you can take at the Celestial Messenger on the Archosaur Platform. Each run rewards you with one Crushed Emblem, which can be exchanged for the following:

1 Emblem
• 100 Mirage Celestone
• 10 Chienkun Stone
• 10 Tisha Stone
• 10 Tienkang Stone
• 5 Golden Egg
• 5 Perfect Treasure
• 3 Uncanny Ore
• 2 5 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 6 Star Dragon Orb

2 Emblems
• 1 7 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 Sapphire Gem
• 1 Citrine Gem
• 1 Garnet Gem

4 Emblems
• 1 8 Star Dragon Orb

8 Emblems
• 1 9 Star Dragon Orb
• 1 Supreme Robe: Disparity

12 Emblems
*also requires 1,000 Mysterious Chips
• 1 Seat of Torment Trial *Ring
• 1 Abaddon Trial *Ring

16 Emblems
• 1 Dragon Orb Ocean (10 Star)

Talk to the Celestial Messenger and take the top Gold Quest for Abaddon, then talk to him again and take the bottom Green Quest to teleport in.

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Moving Through Abaddon

Moving through this dungeon is a lot simpler than it appears to be. When you first enter, there will be an empty place to your back (this is where Haunted Headless will be after you kill the Puppeteer) and a series of falling rocks in front of you. There are many methods you can use to make it through the rocks:

Heavy Armor Classes: Should have no trouble, you have a high enough physical defense that you should be able to speed buff/Holy Path through. Note: Barbs should be in Tiger Form when running rocks for best results. BM's use their Will of the Bodhisattva skill.
Light Armor Classes: Archers should use their buffs (Winged Shell, Wings of Grace, Blessing of the Condor, Wings of Protection, Elven Alacrity) and Holy Path through as fast as possible. Recommended to have Cleric and Barb buffs!
Arcane Classes: Clerics stay fully buffed, Ironheart stack. Veno's equip Bramble and Summer Sprint (for Demons, if brave enough, switch back and forth between fox form to increase speed). The key is just to Holy Path and run as fast as you can, breaking between the two rock paths to heal and let speed buffs CD.

After making it through the rocks you are going to make your way northeast, hugging to the wall as much as you can to avoid the wandering monsters, and then travel along the first path to the Puppeteer boss. After killing this boss you will continue along the path to Peach Blossom's area (She will not be there since you are still in Abaddon Present) and talk to a Chrono Sprite which will give you different locations to go. Note that there is a Chrono Sprite at every boss except Peach Blossom and using the Chrono Sprite is the easiest way to move through the dungeon. Note: After killing the Puppeteer if you go to the entrance or Haunted Headless there will be Monsters now moving through the rocks! It is recommended that they be lured out of the rocks and killed before moving through rocks!

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Teleporting & Fighting Bosses


• Must be killed to travel through the rest of Abaddon
• Boss will jail a person with second highest aggro toward the boss (this is usually a triple sparking EA or BM, or cleric that puts up BB before boss is aggroed). First aggro will usually go to the Barb. I'd advise to not BB before boss is aggroed. You have a high risk of getting jailed and put your squad in danger.
• A person who got jailed will turn into a puppet of a said class, they can't kill the puppet and their life depends on the mercy of their squad members. Squad members must kill either the Puppeteer himself (*would eliminate the puppets*) or the puppet. After the puppet is killed, the jailed player is freed and can resume battle.
• People usually bring 2 Clerics to Puppeteer in case 1 Cleric gets Jailed.
• Puppets have several skills they use. The skills do not have cooldown (means they can spam it if they want to), cost no sparks/chi. Puppets will shout what skills they would use before they use the skill. The attributes (physical damage/magic damage/buffs/debuffs) are the same as the actual skills. The skills are the following:
• Puppet Barbarian: Invoke the Spirit, Devour. Otherwise, he auto attacks.
• Puppet Venomancer: Purge+Amplify Damage (as one skill). Otherwise, uses Venomous Scarab. Always has Bramble Guard up all the times.
• Puppet Blademaster: Roar of the Pride, Heaven's Flame. Otherwise, auto attacks with 3.33 APS.
• Puppet Wizard: Blade Tempest, Divine Pyrogram. Otherwise, casts Gush/Pyrogram.
• Puppet Archer: Stunning Arrow. Otherwise, auto attacks with bow.
• Puppet Cleric: Ironheart Blessing, Tempest. Otherwise, uses Plume Shot. Ironheart Blessing can be cast on other puppets, which is why it's always best to take down a the Cleric first.

After killing Puppeteer, you run down the path behind him until you reach the NPC Peachblossom Ritualist. Squad Lead will talk to the NPC and the whole Squad will Teleport to Abaddon Past.

From there, talk to the Chrono Sprite and go to each of these Bosses in order:

Leaf Rain Dryad

• After 30 seconds passed since boss first aggroed, she buffs herself with two red buffs (similar to barb's Morai buffs) that increases her damage based on how much damage she takes. With that said, APS people need to stop hitting the boss. High hitting casters also needs to stop hitting. The red buffs disappear after about 5 seconds and she resumes the buffs every 15-20 seconds. One of the red buffs can be purged.
• Boss can heal herself with IH. It is best for Archer to use Arrow Inferno to slow down boss heals. Veno can also helps with Soul Degeneration (usually if there's only 1 Veno in squad, she will just AMP the boss). The IH heals can be purged as well.
• Boss can cast mana leak (drains mp) that isn't bad. Cleric should be able to keep BB up even when getting mana leak. Make sure to hit mp pot button when you get this debuff.
• Boss gives chi when she removes her red buffs and cast AOE, which is pretty handy for classes that used up lots of chi.
• Boss casts a bleed damage to the person who first aggro the boss. The bleed damage can be purified and it isn't reduced by BB. Bleed damage is based on hp and physical defense (more so hp than physical defense), which brings barb as the best person to aggro the boss first, even if the barb only wears TT 90. Bleed damage can be blocked by AD/sutra/IG. Veno Pets can also be a sacrifice to take the bleed damage.

Thom Mundan

• Immune to water damage.
• He uses a mid-range AoE magic attack and an AoE attack speed debuff.

Gaurnob Cloister Guard

• Immune to metal damage.
• Uses a physical defense debuff on the tank. He will also buff himself to increase his attack speed.

Monoblat Dracoboa

• Immune to fire damage.
• He uses an AoE fire debuff and a long range AoE magic attack that can interrupt.

Haunted Headless

• Immune to physical damage.
• He uses two AoE debuffs, attack speed and physical defense, and a physical AoE.

Mountain's Finger

• Immune to wood damage.
• Mountain's finger will use an AoE wood debuff, an AoE poison attack, and an AoE physical attack.

From Mountain's Finger, run to Peach (Look at the Map).

Peachblossom Ritualist

• Peach uses AoEs that deal physical damage, drain mana, and interrupt.

Run back to Mountain's Finger, teleport to Thom Mundan.

Completing Puzzles
From here, run to the Center Platform (a blue swirly icon on the map marks it) and talk to the Withered Tree NPC. This will send you to the Green Circle on the map, where to the North is a Lake and a Bridge. Dive into the Lake and Dig the item, then return to the Tree.

Now go to the Red Circle on the Map.

Mask of Grief

• Can randomly one shot people who takes aggro on the boss (seems to be the same case as Leaf boss)
-boss randomly buffs one person with faction base buff (zerk buff) and IG buff. Both buffs are given to random squad members, sometimes a cleric in BB can get it too. Seems to be given to a person with low dps output (not necessarily the lowest, but low enough compared to other squad members).
• Can heal himself (cannot be prevented by Venomancer's Soul Degeneration, cannot be lowered by Archer's Arrow Inferno, cannot be purged since the boss doesn't have any heal icon buff. In other words, it's an instant heal much like Cleric's Wellspring Surge/Wizard's Morning Dew).
• A yellow text icon will appear on the screen when boss is about to heal himself. If you PvP, you will know that channeling an instant heal can be interrupted by interrupt skill such as Barbarian's Flesh Ream/Alacrity of the Beast, Blademaster's Shadowless Kick (not 100% chance of success), and many more. The interrupt skill also works to interrupt the boss' heals.

4 Puppets

• Follow the fake Borobudur Boss Spirit. He will show you where the Puppets are (if you miss him by the time you get to that area, just head towards Thom Mundan and check each path leading to him).
Either of these 3:
• Flower Pond: Wizard, Archer, Blademaster, Cleric
• Bridge Battle: Barbarian, Blademaster, Venomancer, Cleric
• Thorn Mundan: Barbarian, Venomancer, Archer, Cleric

Color Puzzle

• Send one player to each Color on the Map: Red, Green, Yellow and Blue (it looks White, but it says it's Blue).
• Leader talks to the Time Shifter NPC and takes the Quest Back to the Future. It will ask to talk again, then it will tell you to pick the right color.
• Ask your Teammates where the Colored Ball appears (Red will be Red, Green will be Green, etc.) and then pick that choice with the NPC.
• Leave the NPC and go Dig the small color corresponding to your choice just off the platform bridges, then return to the NPC.
• You will repeat this 3 times, before finally getting teleported to the final boss.

Note: It will Teleport all Squad Members, no matter where they are in the Dungeon.

Final Boss
Borobudur Dungeon Lord

• Can heal himself, need to be interrupted by an interrupt skill (See Mask of Grief)
• Summons 2 minions, Borobudur Evil and Borobudur Good. When he summons Evil or Good (both can be present at a same time if squad neglects to kill Evil), you only need to kill Evil. Do Not, I repeat, Do Not kill Good or boss will heal himself. Borobodur Good has very low hp (~5k HP) and is a 1 shot by even an r8 caster. So, do not AoE when Good is present. Evil is elemental immune. It is a physical class's job to take down Evil as fast as possible.
• Summons a bazillion of physical immune monsters that do physical damage. Casters, please, Do Not AoE them, let them stay there. Clerics in BB can tank those physical immune since they hit very low damage. Barb can always roar the monsters as well.

After defeating Borobudur, you're finished! Teleport out and talk to the Celestial Messenger NPC on the Archosaur Platform for your prize!
