Recent content by Bif

  1. 🔎 Information PvP for new players (player vs player)

    This basic guide is for totally new players to Perfect World, or players totally new to PvP. One of the most common problems for new and old players alike, who don't pvp, is they don't feel comfortable fighting other players. Just being in that situation can get the adrenaline pumping, which a...
  2. ⚙️ Patch Version 3

    Thankyou Dream, It's come up in orange in quests. Cheers. Also, thanx for your hard work today :)
  3. ⚙️ Patch Version 3

    Taming quest is for venos only isn't it? Or am I missing something?
  4. 🏆 Marathon Glory Hunter [Season 6: ENDED]

    Congrats everyone and thankyou Dream :)